Saturday, October 07, 2006

Live From Studio-Like

Hey everyone. This is Scott, posting here for the first time. I will probably forget all about this blog tomorrow, so this may just be my only post. My web places: - artwork and blog. - my MySpace space. - older artwork not good enough to go on my website.

Friday, September 29, 2006

my first sculpture

so i'm gonna get this blog started and make my virtuall studio mates look like the lazy bums i know them to be. this is my first sculpture it and i have to say it was great after all these years to finally get to touch some boobies.

Monday, July 17, 2006

welcome to studiolike

this blog is for kubert students, past and present and beyond (most likely)... it is an opportunity for us to share our work with others. For those of us who are parting ways, it is an opportunity to continue to share our work with eachother... contributors will include chris staggs, kyle haase, joe frontirre, rob van hook, etc. more soon. - j